rieapie travis-ci coverall


An example for accessing google maps rest api using rieapie.

import rieapie
gmap = rieapie.Api("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api")
args = {
 "origin"      : "Toronto"
,"destination" : "Montreal"
,"avoid"       : "highways"
,"mode"        : "bicycling"
,"sensor"      : "false"
directions = gmap.directions.json.get(**args)
print directions["routes"][0]["bounds"]

An example for accessing the twitter api with the provided twitter wrapper.

import rieapie
params = {
 "consumer_key"    : "..."
,"consumer_secret" : "..."
# or if you want to provide an access token
params = {
 "consumer_key"        : "..."
,"consumer_secret"     : "..."
,"access_token"        : "..",
,"access_token_secret" : ".."

twitter = rieapie.wrappers.Twitter( **params )

timeline = twitter.statuses.user_timeline(ext="json")
# or if you prefer this syntax
timeline = twitter.statuses["user_timeline.json"]
for status in timeline.get(count=10, screen_name="mybestfriend"):
    print status['text']

why is it ‘rieapie’?

  • [R]est [i]s [E]asy [a]s [P]ython [i]s [E]asy
  • [R]est [i]s [E]asy [a]s [PIE]
  • [R]est [i]s [E]asy [API]... [E]asy

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